Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Breakout syllabus and rules

This is one of those necessary evils in the classroom to set the tone of the class through rules and expectations. Or is it? What if the tone we want to set is different than that of other classes? I have played around with presenting the syllabus in many different ways in the past. This year I thought it would be fun to do a BreakoutEDU session of the syllabus.

When I do a Breakout, it is fun to have not just one, but TWO boxes that the students need to break out. They are on two different teams to "spread the love". This make sure that more students are on tasks and participating in helping with the teamwork. This is, after all, what a class is, right? a team?

In looking at the main topics that I want students to get from the syllabus, I used those to create the clues for the locks. This would also gives us a better discussion after during the debrief. I also like to have two boxes going at the same time to up the ante a bit and offer more competition.

Premise: Escapa de la oficina
  Javier es un estudiante español alto con pelo corto y flaco. A Javier le gusta mucho escuchar la música y jugar al baloncesto.
  Javier tiene unos problemas en la clase de español. Señora le da un pupitre diferente, tiene conferencia con Javier, llama a sus padres, le da una detención y le manda a la oficina.

  Javier está con el Sr Hutchinson y tu trabajo es buscar claves para ayudarle a escapar por identificar las reglas y organización de la clase.

Box 1
Clue #1: Using a QR code for the syllabus and also for a cultural aspect (bullfighting) the students will find that culture is worth 19.5% of their overall grade.
Lock Code: 0195
Debrief Discussion: What exactly is included in my grade? What percentages are each? What do I need to do in order to be successful in each?

Clue #2: Students will find the following grid posted by the rules in class. They need to find the words that go into the blanks and identify the red letters.
  _ - - - - - -

  - _ - - - %

  - -  - - - - _ - -

  - - - - _

  - _ - -

Lock Code: SIENT
Debrief Discussion: The clue was for each of the purple letters below. These are the abbreviated rules that are posted in my classroom. We will discuss in some detail each of these and why these are important rules for our team.
No English; only Spanish is used
        Listen with intent to understand – focus on the speaker. One person speaks; others listen.
        Stop the instructor when she is confusing you or not clear. Show her when you do understand and when you don’t understand.
        Be present: Sit up. Square your shoulders. Clear your hands, lap and desk, including cell phone.
        Do your 50% in the learning process.

spanish           S - - - - - -
50%                - I - - - %
be present     - -  - - - - E - -
listen               - - - - N
stop                 - T - -

Clue #3: Scrabble letters R E  .  . . . . [the . is a blank letter]
Lock Code: SPET-
Debrief Discussion: The number one rule in my classroom for the past 25 years has been RESPECT. I have always had lengthy discussions with students about how Hispanics are highly respectful within their culture, what it means to be respectful, why it's important in a learning environment, how our classroom rules reflect respect, and consequences to not being respectful in class.

Box 2
Clue #1:  <<<< posted in the room somewhere. It will direct them to a document that has a listing of true/false statements about things that are posted on the syllabus. If these are answered correctly, the order reveals the code to the lock.

¿Verdad o falso?: V = 1; F = 2
1. Cuando señora dice “Clase clase”, la clase dice “Profe profe profe”
2. Recibimos un chicle por hablar español en la clase.
3. Vamos a usar Google Classroom por recibir tarea.
4. Si no estoy en la clase, me obligo buscar la información que me falta.
5. Vamos a leer La llorona
Lock Code: 12222 
Debrief Discussion: These topics are discussed to help the classroom function smoothly and the students to be successful.

Clue #2: Once students find this and go to the website, they will find a picture of a bubblegum machine. This will trigger the thought of our CAFÉ points.
Lock Code: CAFÉ
Debrief Discussion: This is a motivational strategy to help students take risks, develop their confidence, and simply have fun in a team setting. See this blog post that briefly explains it.

Clue #3:
Lock Code: STRLS
 Students will find the following grid posted by the rules in class. They need to find the words that go into the blanks and identify the red letters.
  - - - - - -

  - - - _ - %

  - -  - _ - - - - -

  _ - - - - 

  - - -

Debrief Discussion: The clue was for each of the purple letters below. These are the abbreviated rules that are posted in my classroom. We will discuss in some detail each of these and why these are important rules for our team.
No English; only Spanish is used
        Listen with intent to understand – focus on the speaker. One person speaks; others listen.
        Stop the instructor when she is confusing you or not clear. Show her when you do understand and when you don’t understand.
        Be present: Sit up. Square your shoulders. Clear your hands, lap and desk, including cell phone.
        Do your 50% in the learning process.

spanish           - - - - - S -
50%                - - - T - %
be present     - -  - R - - - - -
listen               L - - - -
stop                 S - - -